A Picture from the Past – Vol. 11

You know when you’re young and dream up all the things you are going to be when you grow up? An astronaut, a firefighter, the president. Well I think at one point my sister wanted to be a hairdresser. Not only did my hair already have a mind of its own but she thought she could spice it up a little and clearly two pigtails were not enough. Maybe she thought that giving me a third pony tail that protruded from the very middle of the top of my head would make me look more like a unicorn. I did love unicorns as a child so her intentions were spot on!

I love this photo because of her obvious hair styling skills but also because of the look on her face. That fake smile of “oh my gosh what have I done to my sister’s head” is clear as day while I seem to be absolutely loving it! It’s hard to rock the three ponytail look but I clearly had it down pat!

On a side note, this wall at my grandma’s house was famous. Well, maybe just in our family but I can’t even begin to tell you how many pictures were taken in front of this wall. Every other wall in her home was either filled with photographs, paintings, shelves or other decor but this wall had the perfect amount of space for us as young kids to stand and have nothing else in the way.

This is a picture from the past!

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