Big News!

Hold on to your hats guys because I’m about to share something BIG! 2020 has been a year filled with ups, downs and everything in between. It’s been an emotional roller coaster for pretty much everyone on this planet and I am no exception. In an effort to keep with the 2020 style of things I thought I would add to the crazy and make a decision that I’ve been going back and forth on for the last 5ish years!! I truly cannot believe I’m about to share this news with the world! After pondering this, overthinking it and writing it off for so long, I think it’s finally time to just going to go for it. SO…



(Well, just South of Albany in a beautiful town called Delmar.)


AHHH!!!! You guys! I am so FREAKING EXCITED about this I could burst! There were so many factors in making this decision and pro list was many bullet points longer than my con list so I’m packing up all my things and heading to the Capitol Region!

I have lived around Binghamton, NY for 25 of my 26 years of life and have been in need of a change for quite some time. 10 months were spent in Western Massachusetts while attending photography school and 2 months were spent interning in Colorado then back to Binghamton I went. There have been so many reasons why I chose to stay in Binghamton for as long as I did. But now, it’s time to go an experience something totally new!

As excited as I am it is bittersweet. Moving to Albany means I will be living 2.5 hours away from my family and my best friend and her family. These people have been my rock, especially this year when my whole world flipped. Not being within 30 minutes from them is going to be extremely hard but they’re only a short drive away. However, this does mean that for the first time in 6 or 7 years I will be living less than 10 minutes from my sister, Katie!!! She moved away from Binghamton to attend college a long time ago and has been in Albany since. I truly cannot wait to be closer to Katie and see to her on a weekly basis rather than going months without seeing her in person! I’m picturing a lot of girls nights, dinners, shopping trips and spontaneous adventures with her, her fiancé and their beautiful dog, Lola! I’ve told them many times before but I make the perfect third wheel!

So what does this mean for NWP?! Well, not much is changing actually. Most of my clients and weddings I photograph are in and around the Albany area already! I’ll be so much closer to some of my favorite venues and am thrilled to explore a new area. Having a shorter commute to a lot of my weddings is going to be super nice but I’m always ready to throw my camera bag in my car for a road trip!  Being near the Adirondacks, Hudson Valley, and the beauty of the Capitol offers so many breathtaking views and I’m so excited to explore all of it! I’ll be back in Binghamton probably once a month or so to see my everyone and to work with my amazing clients who will still be in the area!

So when’s the big move you ask?! Well, it’s a little complicated. I mean, it is 2020 still so why wouldn’t it be complicated right?! I found a fabulous apartment which is about a 7 minute drive from Katie’s house!! It’s currently being gutted so by the time I move in, everything will be brand new! WAHOO! The slight problem is that they don’t have a definite date that it will be ready. They thought it would be finished by October 1st but it’s taking a little bit longer than they expected. The goal is to be moving in before or on November 1st of 2020! Keep your fingers and toes crossed that they don’t run into any issues!!

Along with moving and relocating my business to Albany comes another exciting announcement!!

My website got a big facelift!

Complete with new headshots around the Empire Plaza in downtown Albany, new wedding images, a new design and lots more information! This has been a labor of love for sure but I am obsessed with how it turned out! Check it out HERE! I’m in love with the new design and hope you all love it too!!


It’s been a long few months with all the decisions around moving, finding a place (still haven’t locked that in yet… YIKES) and numerous trips up to Albany (and many more to come). Not to mention the huge list of things to do that come with every move, especially when it’s 2.5 hours away! With all of that I can confidently say that I’m overflowing with joy and excitement as I make this change in my life and I’m thrilled to have you all along for the ride!


  1. Jen says:

    You are going to do GREAT things! I always knew you would! Love you so much!!!

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