Does it get any better than a cozy maternity session in Schenectady, NY? Yes actually it does when four legged fur babies are involved! I had been waiting to photograph Tina and Ryan’s maternity session for months! Really since the moment I found out they were expecting.
Way back at the beginning of 2020 I had the pure honor of photographing Tina and Ryan’s wedding. Although I don’t see them often, social media and my sister keep me in touch with these two! I remember hearing the news that they were moving back up to NY and was ecstatic! If you’ve ever been around Tina and Ryan you know that they are just the sweetest people ever! They’re super easy to talk to, incredible kind, and genuinely care about what you’re saying and who you are. It’s rare these days but the both posses all those amazing qualities.
I can only imagine what their sweet little boy is going to grow up like with them as parents. Sweet Christopher Tomas is already loved beyond measure from everyone in Ryan and Tina’s life! It’s so much fun to be a part of one of my past couple’s journey while they start a family. Being a part of some of their biggest moments in life is something I truly hold close to my heart!
Their cozy maternity session in Schenectady, NY took place right in their home. It was basically any photographer’s dream location with the perfect decor and ample amount of natural light. Not only was it just Tina and Ryan but their cats also needed their moment to shine! We were only able to get two out of their three cats to make a photo appearance but we tried to have all family members involved.
Couldn’t be more excited to meet baby Scannell in 2023!

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