Binghamton Engagement – Elaine & Jimmy

After the fourth attempt, we finally made this Binghamton engagement session happen! Originally Jimmy and Elaine were hoping for wintery engagement photos so we picked a date in the early Winter months. Well, that date came and it was roughly 20 degrees out. Being miserably cold during a photo session is never fun so we picked another date for late Winter/early Spring. April showers definitely brought May flowers but it was so muddy and gross so we rescheduled for a third time. Then, an unforeseen event prohibited us from that third date but fourth time is a charm!

Let me just say that I am beyond happy that we had to reschedule so many times because this evening was absolute perfection! PER-FEC-TION!! The luscious green grass, blossoming trees, that dreamy golden hour light and a couple full of love. It doesn’t get any better! I’m pretty sure this field we shot in is made of dreams. The outfits Jimmy and Elaine chose and some fabulous Beyonce wind that breezed through this field were incredible! Brides, please wear a flowy dress for at least one of your outfits!! The movement in these photos is everything and I want that for all of my couples! Okay?!

These two were pretty much up for anything which was extra fun! We all got our steps in as we walked through the bumpy tall grass. The uneven grounds added so much to these photos because Jimmy and Elaine giggled throughout their session as they held on tight to each other! Clearly they had zero fun during their engagement session, you can tell by the photos… Honestly though, have you seen a cuter couple who is undoubtedly in love with one another?!

I truly cannot wait for October of 2021 to get here. Their wedding at the Double Tree in Binghamton is going to be an absolute blast! These two in front of my camera made for the best time and I am so excited to do it all again soon!

  1. […] Greek wedding before. There were so many special traditions that occurred throughout the day. Both Elaine and Jimmy wore a pin of μάτι (mati). According to my google search, the evil eye is a talisman that is […]

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