10 Thing You Didn’t Know About Me

10 Thing You Didn’t Know About Me

These posts are my favorite because it lets you get to know me a little bit better than you did before and may also give you a giggle or two!

  1. When I was a young child probably around the age of 5 I had a white dinosaur helmet that I always wore backwards. I have pictures for proof so if you think I’m lying I’ll happily send along to you!
  2. I have never broken a bone or had surgery although I was very close when I was in fourth grade. I got hit in the face, right under my eye, with a softball and you can still feel a small bump where it happened.
  3. Spiral staircases scare me. I think because they are thick on one side and get really skinny toward the middle… they totally freak me out.
  4. My first job ever was at a custom shirt studio in Vestal, NY called NuWaka. It’s one of the coolest stores ever and if you are ever in need of customized shirts, hats, keychains, mousepads, mugs or anything else you should really check it out. Brian, the owner, is awesome to work with!
  5. The very first concert I ever went to was at the New York State Fair with my mom and sister and we saw the one and only Kelly Clarkson!
  6. In all my years of college I never missed a single class, even the 8am Natural Disasters class at SUNY Broome.
  7. I love to read! For a while I would read chapters of business books before bed and then couldn’t sleep because of the ideas that began running through my brain. Now I save those for rainy days and airplane rides and keep to the fiction romance novels by Nicholas Sparks for bedtime.
  8. In 2018, at the age of 24, I paid off over $40,000 in student loans in 10 months making myself debt free. I worked by butt off and shot almost 30 weddings that year along with shooting products for a large company during the week.
  9. Before photography school I attended SUNY Broome majoring in Visual Communication with emphasis in graphic design. After interning at Starz Entertainment in Colorado for a Summer I realized that sitting in front of a desk staring at a computer screen was not the career I desired.
  10. Both of my parents are the youngest children in their families of four, both grew up on dead end roads and both of their mother’s names began with the letter E.

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